Hails Unsar Guda Ases jah Vanes!
Hails Haithnu þiuda!
Hail Brothru's Visigoths!
Hails the Odinist Aliance of Visigoth Eagle in America!
Hails Unsar Gudhja Hoen Falker
Any similarity is not coincidental .
careful not to get confused
Well , to introduce , let's start talking about a kingdom that had been divided into two parts by a king who wanted to ensure that his two children were a part of his huge kingdom , and although it seems that I am referring to Eriador which was divided by Elendil in Gondor and Arnor stop Isildur and Anarion , Rome is what I mean. After the death of Gratian , the old, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts under the command of his two children , Valent and Valentian I, but the similarities do not stop there .
This was in 364 , now let's move forward in time , up to 450 , a specter of terror grows in the east , the highlands comes a terror that can not seem to be contained , and is not Sauron , called Attila , the scourge of one or God as it was called . In 451 he crosses the Rhine plunders cities and reaches Aureliane ( Orleans ) .
The Roman Empire in the West had the command of Aetius , who was not the emperor, but had put most military and is acclaimed by the people as heir to the throne of Rome , as Aragorn , Aetius spent his life defending the empire on several occasions , was a wanderer . The Visigoths were ruled by King Theodoric , whose similarities with Theoden are not just in name, if we analyze in detail , we see that the Visigoths has the same configuration of Rohirins this battle , it would also be a people who came from a distant land in north.
According to Getica 37,196 , Atila followed the custom of the Huns and consulted the oracles and received the answer that the battles would be tragic for the Huns , and also saw one of the enemy commanders die in combat , as he thought it to Aetius die , believed worth fighting .
The battle took place then the percent of large escarpment that was in the field , bloody , and the Visigoths resisted for a long time just to the right of the Romans, but at one point when the Huns surrounded Aetius enter the Visigoths in battle breaking the siege and turning the game in favor of the Romans , just like in the scene where Gandalf appears with Rohirins , making the victory lean to Gondor .
The tragic moment is when Theodoric , as Theoden , falls and is crushed by the horse.
Follows a video of the most interesting I've seen on the subject
"Gutane jeh Weihailag!
"Naus lausjan uh siwala,
Aha jah hardus
Aistan, Bloth jah Fadreins
Farraithro sa aguja uh unsar atta Vodan"
"Warrios of free spirit,
Mind and heart
Honra, Blood and Family
Since the land of our father Vodan"
The Visigoth folk stand united